Hawaii is one of those places you always dream of going. Never in a million years did I think I’d be photographing a Kauai wedding on the beautiful Hawaiian island of Kauai. When one of my closest friends, Amy of Amy Clemons Photography, asked me if I’d want to go to Kauai with her to photograph a wedding my jaw literally dropped. I vividly remember being in Old Navy shopping with my husband when she texted me. “Oh my gosh!” was the only thing I could manage to spit out and my husband instantly stopped and said “what?!” thinking something was wrong. Once I told him what Amy had asked me, he gave me this jealous glare and said “that’s not fair!” Haha.

I had previously met the bride and groom, Lauren and Trevor, at a little shootout that myself and some of my photographer friends had last year. They, along with Lauren’s 3 beautiful kids, were our family models for the session. I cannot possibly say enough about how sweet Lauren and Trevor are. They are the type of people you want to be around because they just radiate happiness and it’s infectious.  Lauren’s kids are her world and to see the beautiful and loving bond that they have not only with their mom but also with Trevor is incredible. Lauren got pregnant shortly before their wedding with her and Trevor’s first child together and it was so special to know that he was there in her belly celebrating with the rest of the family.

The ceremony took place on a small private beach where there was just enough sand for the small group of family and friends in attendance to stand on. During the ceremony, Trevor read vows to Lauren’s kids and I don’t believe there was a dry eye on that beach (including ours!).  He loves her kids like they are his own and they love him just as much.  Shortly after reading their vows to one another, they invited the kids up to do a Family Sand Ceremony.  Each of them had different color sand and poured it into one big vase.  This sand ceremony signified that they are forever a family and that vase will be an every day remind of that.  It truly was an intimate, emotional and memorable wedding. And of course taking photos of these two together was a breeze. The chemistry between them is so strong and it really came through in their wedding photos. Not to mention we had Kauai as our stunning background! I can’t thank this sweet family enough for their hospitality and their fun company during our trip there. And, I have to thank Amy a million times for bringing me with her to photograph this beautiful and memorable wedding and trip.

Kauai Wedding - https://brittneyhannonphotography.com


